Sep 4, 2018
I samarbejde med Hotel Pro Forma udgiver vi over det næste år 4 podcasts, der afdækker deres fire seminarer 'Moving Opera'.
I denne tredje podcast ser vi nærmere på, hvordan det musik dramatiske felt i Danmark kan forstærkes yderligere:
For the past 15-20 years, a contemporary genre of music theatre
has established itself outside of the realm of the two national
opera organizations.
This development has so far mainly been driven by independent,
project-based artists and producers. Looking at the current
situation of the field, are we missing the structure and
institutional support enabling the genre to develop further? Do we
lack a shared infrastructure for producing and presenting works
within this genre? How can we improve conditions for co-production
and cross-disciplinary artistic development? How do we utilize
potentials in international collaboration, touring, and exchange?
How do we establish relations across the field – from independent
actors to institutions – which supports both a stable framework for
producing and encourage artistic innovation? And how do we as
agents of this field further build on the growing public interest
and appreciation of opera and music theatre? The seminar explores
the potentials and challenges of existing structures regarding
education, production and dissemination in a conversation with
producers, organizations and artists working in the field.